This school year at KICS has been an exciting and busy time, with many new challenges for the both of us.
In Chuck’s role as IT coordinator, he has been responsible for installing interactive whiteboards and document cameras in each teacher’s classroom, as well as training the staff in how to use them. He has also been training faculty, students and parents on how to use the school’s new email and school database systems. Chuck teaches a new computer class for Kindergarten through 5th grade students, which is going really well so far. His main focus lately has been on starting a brand new gifted and talented program for grades 2-5, the first KICS has ever implemented. It’s called the Enrichment Program of Interdisciplinary Curriculum, or EPIC. Students meet a couple of times a week to develop creative thinking, accelerated learning and leadership skills.
Emily has kept very busy in her new roles as well. In addition to teaching environmental and physical science to 7th and 8th graders, she is now teaching general science to 6th graders and a brand new Pre-AP Biology course to 10th graders. She has been writing the curriculum for all these classes as she is teaching them. She also continues to serve on the learning support committee, as KICS continues to improve the ways it serves English language learners and students with learning challenges.
Our community group through our local church is thriving. Our group has combined with another small group, and we take turns leading and hosting with other people. It has been a great encouragement to engage with fellow Christians every week, both African and from the ex-pat community.
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